Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah On Knowledge


The renowned theologian and jurist Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya wrote numerous titles, many of which are still popular today. Amongst these is Key to the Blissful Abode (Miftaḥ Dar al-Sa’ada). 

The renowned theologian and jurist Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya wrote numerous titles, many of which are still popular today. Amongst these is Key to the Blissful Abode (Miftaḥ Dar al-Sa’ada). 

The present work is an abridgement of the first volume of Key to the Blissful Abode. In it, Ibn Qayyim focuses on the importance of knowledge and willpower, as means through which a person may attain Paradise. Willpower is the door and knowledge – in particular knowledge which pertains to God and His Attributes, the Qur’an and the example of the Prophet – is the key. 

Ibn Qayyim discusses the virtues and benefits of knowledge over wealth and worldly matters; the path to knowledge; the importance of pursuing knowledge and applying it in order to achieve guidance from God and protect oneself from doubts; the superiority of the scholar over the worshipper; the necessity of using knowledge and willpower as the basis for all actions if one is to achieve spiritual bliss. 

Ibn Qayyim then concludes by discussing the importance of contemplation and reflection in order to attain further knowledge and guidance.

About The Author

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya was born into a scholarly and virtuous family in 691 AH/ 1292 A.D. At that time Damascus was a centre of literature and thought. 

Many schools were located there and he studied and graduated under the protection, direction and sponsorship of his father. 

He was particularly influenced by his Shaykh and teacher, the Hanbalite reformer Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah, and also by Ibn ash-Shirazi amongst others.

Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya died in the city of Damascus the year 751 AH/1350 C.E.,when he was scarcely 60 years old, and was buried  at the cemetery of Bab- al-Saghir, near the grave of  his father - Rahimahuma Alla

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The renowned theologian and jurist Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya wrote numerous titles, many of which are still popular today. Amongst these is Key to the Blissful Abode (Miftaḥ Dar al-Sa’ada). 

The present work is an abridgement of the first volume of Key to the Blissful Abode. In it, Ibn Qayyim focuses on the importance of knowledge and willpower, as means through which a person may attain Paradise. Willpower is the door and knowledge – in particular knowledge which pertains to God and His Attributes, the Qur’an and the example of the Prophet – is the key. 

Ibn Qayyim discusses the virtues and benefits of knowledge over wealth and worldly matters; the path to knowledge; the importance of pursuing knowledge and applying it in order to achieve guidance from God and protect oneself from doubts; the superiority of the scholar over the worshipper; the necessity of using knowledge and willpower as the basis for all actions if one is to achieve spiritual bliss. 

Ibn Qayyim then concludes by discussing the importance of contemplation and reflection in order to attain further knowledge and guidance.

About The Author

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya was born into a scholarly and virtuous family in 691 AH/ 1292 A.D. At that time Damascus was a centre of literature and thought. 

Many schools were located there and he studied and graduated under the protection, direction and sponsorship of his father. 

He was particularly influenced by his Shaykh and teacher, the Hanbalite reformer Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah, and also by Ibn ash-Shirazi amongst others.

Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyya died in the city of Damascus the year 751 AH/1350 C.E.,when he was scarcely 60 years old, and was buried  at the cemetery of Bab- al-Saghir, near the grave of  his father - Rahimahuma Alla

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