The Essentials Of Jumuah


What are the Fara'idh and Sunna requirements of the Jumu 'a sermon? Can a woman lead in Jumu'a? Can the sermon be delivered in a language other than Arabic? Can Jumu'a be held before noon? Is the first call for Jumu'a a bi...

What are the Fara'idh and Sunna requirements of the Jumu 'a sermon? Can a woman lead in Jumu'a? Can the sermon be delivered in a language other than Arabic? Can Jumu'a be held before noon? Is the first call for Jumu'a a bid'a?

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What are the Fara'idh and Sunna requirements of the Jumu 'a sermon? Can a woman lead in Jumu'a? Can the sermon be delivered in a language other than Arabic? Can Jumu'a be held before noon? Is the first call for Jumu'a a bid'a?

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